This site, named “AyBay ConLang”, (abbreviated as  ABCL) is about the constructed language (conlang), developed and issued by Dr. Aydin Baykara in 2022. It is an a priori language, which means that the complete vocabulary has been created entirely new. Most of the conlangs aim to be an easy learning, simple international auxiliary language (IAL) by avoiding many irregularities and ambiguities prevailing in World languages. ABCL such as has another advantage of needing about half of the characters of English language for the same expression. That means, we could save half of the pages of a book written in English and so on.

Please click on the sign “=” (if cellphone) and/or the title “ABCL CONLANG” (normally at the upper-right corner of this page) to view the full content of ABCL.

ABCL can be viewed also under the following web sites:

User:Aydın Baykara – Linguifex

User:Aybay – FrathWiki

AyBayConLang (ABCL) | Conlang | Fandom

CALS: Conlang Atlas of Language Structure